Why Using an E-Cigarette Instead of Smoking Represents a Good Lifestyle Choice

Only true smokers know how challenging it can be to put down the cigarettes for good. Friends and family members may ask you to address your addiction continuously and become frustrated by your apparent failure, but they don’t know what it’s like to be in the claws of addiction. Fortunately, e-cigarettes provide an alternative way to get your nicotine fix, and though more research is required, most experts currently agree that e-cigarettes are healthier than their traditional counterpart.
However, it’s not just for the sake of your health that you should consider switching from smoking to vaping. For starters, e-cigarettes can help you stop smoking in the long run if you use them responsibly, and you can enjoy more freedom regarding when and where you can get a nicotine hit. Nowadays, you can easily choose a stylish e-cigarette which fully satisfies your needs. You can fully customize your user experience with a wide choice of e-vapors on the market. Plus, you won’t smell like an ashtray, you can say goodbye to dry mouth, and you can protect your local community and the people around you.
We’ve known for decades that real cigarettes contain thousands of toxic chemicals, and recent research suggests that they contain hundreds of different types of bacteria, too. Fortunately, you’ll barely find a fraction of such dangers in nicotine e liquid, which is available in plenty of different flavours for you to try. Keep reading below to learn more about why switching to vaping is a lifestyle choice you won’t regret.
The Benefits of Switching to E-Cigarettes
We know that giving up nicotine can seem almost impossible, but you don’t need to give it up in one go because you can use an e-cigarette that also contains nicotine instead of smoking. Here’s why e-cigs are growing in popularity all over the world.
- A healthier alternative to smoking
Starting with the most obvious and perhaps most important benefit, e-cigarettes are healthier than their traditional counterpart, according to most studies so far. They don’t contain tar, there’s only a fraction of harmful chemicals present compared to cigarettes, and you only exhale water vapour rather than smoke. - Protect those around you
The evidence to support the theory that second-hand smoke can lead to adverse health conditions is almost conclusive at this stage, so you should do everything you can to prevent people around you from inhaling your smoke. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about taking such measures with an e-cigarette because you only exhale water vapour. - Take care of your community
It’s a shame that smokers are responsible for the most littered item in the world – the cigarette butt. Up to 5 trillion cigarette butts are thrown to the floor irresponsibly every year, and the chemicals in them can contaminate habitats and waterways. You don’t have to throw butts on the floor again if you abstain from smoking real cigarettes. - Fresher air
Did you know that smokers emit up to half as much greenhouse gases in a year as all the vehicles in the world? All that pollution contributes to global warming and natural disasters, so if you want to be more environmentally friendly, you should think about the impact that switching to vaping could make. - Improve your presentation
Non-smokers the world over can smell a smoker approaching from a mile away, which isn’t ideal if you’re going on a date or attending a job interview. Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about the lingering smell of cigarette smoke if you vape instead.
Above is a far from exhaustive list of the benefits associated with e-cigarettes, but it should give you an insight into why they’re growing in popularity at a rapid rate. Make the switch today to protect yourself, your loved ones, and the world, and you will undoubtedly lead a happier and healthier life.