10 Skills Required for a Career in Economics

Good with Numbers

There are a range of different careers you can pursue if you have an interest in economics. It’s also possible to find work in a variety of industries, for example, health, finance and banking, and government. Economics is an essential part of many different industries which means with the right qualifications you have a number of different options.

The minimum educational qualification is a bachelor’s degree, however, for certain roles a masters in applied economics is preferable. Aside from educational qualifications, there are a number of basic skills you should possess for a career in economics. These include:

Analytical skills

excellent analytical skills are required. You need to be able to review data, detect patterns, and draw conclusions. A good example of this is when employment trends are looked at and used to predict what will happen in the job market in the future.

Communication skills

a good economist is one who can convey what they have learned to others who have little or no knowledge of economics. It can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the audience. For example, presentations, reports or individual advice.

Math skills

several mathematical principles are used in economics such as statistics, calculus, and other advanced mathematical topics. A knowledge and understanding of these is therefore essential.

Writing skills

economists have to use the written word as well as speech for conveying their findings. They have to be able to write clearly and concisely and in a language that people can understand. The writing could include reports, for clients or colleagues, or publications in journals or newspapers.

Critical-thinking skills

another essential skill is the ability to think logically. Logic and reasoning have to be used to solve complex problems. A good example of this is when an economist is employed to look at how economic trends can affect a particular organization.

Knowledge of social sciences

the subject of economics shares common ground with several other social science subjects such as history, sociology, and psychology. A knowledge of these is going to be useful.

Detail oriented

as well as looking at the bigger picture, an economist has to be able to pay attention to details. In order to provide accurate findings, they have to be able to analyze data very precisely.


a strong sense of curiosity is very useful if you want to study economics and make it your chosen career. You need to be comfortable asking questions in your field and thinking about how other fields can affect your own understanding.

Independent thinker

a positive trait is to be an independent thinker. Other people’s theories and work are important, but you also need to have thoughts and ideas of your own. If you’re able to think for yourself and question what you know, you’ll have no problems exploring new directions.

Open minded

being open to new ideas leads to success in most academic fields. Economics is no different. You have to be open to the views of others and be prepared to change your own opinion if necessary.

If you are in possession of these skills and are prepared to put in the effort to gain an appropriate qualification, there should be no reason why you shouldn’t excel in the field of economics.