10 Ways To Make Moving Organized and Meaningful

I love moving. I know, the day of is a sweaty, chaotic, stressful cluster, but…I totally dig it.
When my landlord called me and told me that she was selling her condo and wanted to offer me first dibs, I (thought about it and then called her back and) said no, thank you. I don’t want to buy a downtown condo. I want to buy a house with a HUGE yard so I can run and play. But not right this second. My daily stalking of Hot Pads, Zillow, and Craigslist paid off when I found a townhouse just south of my current spot. With a little over a month to prepare, I excitedly thought about my moving checklist and why I enjoy this process.
- Acquire boxes, bubble wrap, tape, and markers. Wardrobe boxes are your friends as your dresses and skirts and suits can stay on hangers and just go closet to closet. Ask your moving company if they offer these before buying them. You can order moving supplies online or pick them up from local stores like Home Depot, U-Haul, or Lowes. CAUTION: If the tape gets stuck in the dispenser, do not pull the jammed, stuck-together tape towards the direction of the very sharp blade or you will end up wondering if you need stitches. (I didn’t, btw, whew.)
- Bask in an Anti-Hoarders Dream + Give To A Cause = WIN WIN. In my family we have the Hoarders and the Anti-Hoarders. I am one of the Anti-Hoarders. I feel sweet sweet relief every time I get rid of something. When I am moving, I keep a box for Goodwill at all times. I have already filled four and I have one that is half-full right now. Sometimes when I am getting ready to go out and I don’t feel 100% amazing in a top or a skirt I will toss it in the box. If you don’t feel fabulous in it, get rid of it so someone else can!
- Paint your nails/foam roll/stretch while on hold contacting utilities. You are likely to be captive on the phone for a long time while disconnecting/reconnecting your electric, cable, and other services. Why not manage your patience with an additional activity?
- Update your address with your post office, bank, employer, credit card companies, stationary, family and close friends. If it’s a new city you are acclimating to, check out these tips from my previous post on why change is good for the soul.
- Sheets and shower supplies. By moving day evening, you will be craving a shower and some sleep. To prepare, a few days before your move wash a second set of sheets and pack them in a “first night at the new place” box or bag with a shower curtain, towels, and bar of soap.
- Dress accordingly. This is not the time for open-toed shoes and your favorite lulu tank! Wear stuff that you don’t care if you ever see again.
- Drink plenty of H2O yourself and offer to your moving crew.
- Tip your movers. If your movers are friends -> beer and pizza. If a professional company is relocating your belongings, plan on tipping each person that helped. There are websites with guidance. I tend to over-tip as I have many shoes.
- Realize that you do not have to unpack ALL of the boxes today. (This will be my eighth move in the past 10 years and this concept is still difficult for me to comprehend). Alas, tomorrow you’ll wake up sore in new muscle groups and it will be your first morning in your new place! If you are a driven task-master like me, you will try to unpack all of your boxes the day after your move. Some people are one-room per day or one-box per day people. (These people are probably really good at yoga and meditating 🙂 Go at whatever pace that suits you.
- Make it you. Your home is an expression of your personality. Being an earth sign, I like to rock a rustic chic vibe. You can check out my fellow columnist’s post on decorating for high impact with low cost and these bathroom facelift tips. Whatever color, texture, or pattern you decide on, ensure it makes you smile so you can continue to be the lady that lights up the room.