13 Ways to Upgrade & Modernize a Home Office

The home office hasn’t changed much over the last few decades because we often create mirror images of the offices we’re accustomed to at our day jobs. The desk, lamp, bookshelf, and filing cabinet are all staples of home office furniture but there’s so much more that can be done to give this area of business a modern day look.
Here are thirteen different ways you can go about doing just that:
- Maximize Space – Consider purchasing storage bins or collapsible furniture which can fit into the odd spaces to get the most of our office space.
- Fresh Paint – White walls can feel too clinical, especially if you’re working in the office for long hours of the day so try a different color for a change to liven the area.
- Digitize the Hard Copy – Ditch the filing cabinet and opt for a scanner and online service which transcribes a document and stores it online. This saves on space and and makes it easily accessible with a few searches rather than digging through folder after folder.
- Add a Couch or Day Bed – Long hours in front of the computer can do a number on your back; a small couch or day bed could possibly fit in there so you can take your breaks laying down and relaxing (also great for quick power naps).
- Add Plants – Plants are great for decoration, making the place look/feel natural, and for cleaning the stale air in the office. For about $20 – $30 you can get a few plants for the office that are easy to maintain and look great.
- Glass Whiteboards. Ditch the chalkboards and dry erase boards in place of a glass whiteboard. These are great because can be customized in any color (on the back) and they’re extremely easy to clean even if you use permanent marker!
- Add Utility to the Desk – Tired of the power strips tucked behind the desk? Consider screwing them underneath. The same goes for USB extensions and other computer utilities which will make it easier to access.
- Raise It Up – Use stands and wall mounts for monitors and speakers for your setup so you’re not stuck staring down at the screen or having your sounds distorted from being in an odd location. This will also give the workspace a clean, sleek look since it’s not all piled on the desk.
- Hang some Pictures – Liven up the area by hanging pictures that inspire you around the office instead of having blank walls. If you can’t find something in stores then pick up some photo paper & frames and make some of your own.
- Try Standing – Back feeling worn out from sitting all day? Consider switching to a standing desk instead. Standing desks have many health benefits and they’re quite easy to adjust to after a few days.
- Add a Partition – If you’re sharing a home office with someone else (perhaps your spouse?) and need a little privacy then you could opt for a screen partition which can be pulled out and put back during those intense moments at work when it requires your full concentration.
- Mount a TV – Your home office doesn’t need to be only about work. Of course you need down time. Consider mounting a TV to the wall and hooking up an HDMI cable from the computer. You now can kick back and watch television during your breaks on the big screen.
- Go Remote – Who said you even need to be stuck at the home office all the time in the first place? If you’re in the position where you have one you’re also in the position to move around as you please so take advantage of the flexibility. Install remote desktop software on the main computer and use your laptop to connect to it while you’re sitting on the patio or when you’re off on vacation!
Not sure where to start with the home office? Try looking through these inspirational ideas on Pinterest and then start putting together a wish list of items. Once you’re settled on the idea take a weekend to upgrade and modernize the area. It’ll breathe fresh life into the place which will spill over to your work through excitement and change.
Images from Freedigitalphotos by Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee