3 Fun Group Exercise Classes You Should Try This Summer

It’s summer and we want to look our best in our bikinis, sundresses, tank tops, and shorts. So what do we do? We hit the gym. There’s the elliptical, the treadmill, some free weights, machine weights… I don’t know about you ladies, but doing the exact same workout day after day becomes so mundane.
Exercising is sacred time you have with yourself. You are making yourself better each time you are working out. Not only are you making yourself physically stronger, you’re flushing your mind of all stress and negativity. You are literally ripping apart your old self and creating a new and better you. But how many people do you know (including yourself) who approach exercising like this? Probably not many.
And that’s where I think most people have it wrong: they consider their exercising time as more of a chore than valuable “me” time. Workouts become so routine that it becomes not fun anymore. They dread their workouts each day until finally, they stop completely. But it shouldn’t be like this!
If this sounds like you, it’s time to kick your workouts up a notch! The best way to do so is to try out different group exercise classes at your local gym or rec center. I have always been a fan of group exercise classes. Each time I’m in a class, I slack off less, make new friends, and since I don’t want to look like a wimp among my other classmates, I do my best to do each exercise correctly and completely.
Don’t know where to start? Here are 3 fun and trendy group exercises classes to try!
1. Bikram yoga
Who says you have to cool off in the summer? Why not turn up the heat? Widely known as “hot yoga”, Bikram yoga is typically run for 90 minutes in a room that is heated up to 106 degrees! Yes, it’s hot, but after the 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises, many people feel great. Benefits include weight loss, increased flexibility, better strength, and posture improvement. Be careful, though: You may not make it through the entire class on your first few attempts. Listen to your body and tell the instructor any discomfort you are feeling. Hot yoga isn’t for everyone. Oh yeah, and don’t forget your ice cold water bottle!
Photo from fitness.makeupandbeauty.com
2. Barre
“Barre workouts” have been very trendy lately. Barre studios are popping up around the United States like crazy, not to mention hundreds of new DVDs that have come out that allow you to perform these workouts at home. But what is barre? It’s a type of workout that is designed to give you a long, lean, dancer-like physique. If you’ve ever done ballet, chances are you’re familiar with the ballet barre, which is what this workout utilizes. Basically, barre is a combination of pilates, yoga, and ballet and relies mostly on one’s bodyweight for resistance. Being an ex-ballet dancer, I’ve found barre to be very similar to my old ballet classes without the bloody and broken toenails. So if you’re looking to have that dancer-like figure, barre is for you!
(Photo from barreworkouthq.com)
3. Trampoline Fitness
Trampolines aren’t only fun for kids, they’re great for adults who want to get in a fun workout too! Last year, I decided to try out another trendy fitness craze that utilizes trampolines as part of its routine. That place is called Urban Air, located in Southlake, Texas. When I walked in, there were about 30 mini square shaped trampolines, each with one person jumping on it. Our instructor would make us do a variety of regular exercises while jumping on the trampoline, which is a lot more challenging to do than on solid ground! It’s a full body workout and a great way to get your dose of cardio without the high-intensity impact on your joints. Some even say it’s better than running (I am a bit skeptical of that claim since I am a huge fan of running, but it is a good workout!). Plus, jumping on trampolines is ALWAYS fun.
(Photo from launchri.com)
Don’t be shy, find your nearest hot yoga, barre, and trampoline fitness classes and give them a try! It’s never a bad idea to introduce some variety into your daily workouts!
Have you tried any of these workouts? What did you think?