3 Signs Your Relationship Might Be On The Rocks

Whether you are dating, engaged, or married, relationships aren’t always easy, and the longer you are with someone, the more work it can take to keep things on track.
It’s also important to remember that most couples hit a few bumps in the road now and again. The key thing is to figure out whether it’s just a blip or if there are deeper underlying issues that need to be addressed.
Here are 3 signs your relationship might be on the rocks and what you can do to fix it.
Lack of effort
If you don’t feel like you are as much of a priority as you used to be or there is a distinct lack of effort being made, it’s important to tell your partner how you feel. Bottling it up isn’t going to help and, for all you know, he or she is completely oblivious. You should also consider how you act towards your other half. Are you attentive towards them? Do you make them feel special and loved? It’s not always one-sided, so it’s good to do some soul searching and establish if you could be making more effort too.
Agreeing to have a date night once a week and making a concerted effort to talk and listen to each other could transform your relationship and make you feel far more secure.
You argue constantly
If you are unable to get your point across or discuss anything without screaming at each other or arguing, there could be deeper underlying issues that need to be resolved. If you have tried time after time to communicate and are getting nowhere, you may benefit from couples counseling. A third party who specializes in this field can act as a mediator between you. You will both feel like you have a voice and may divulge things you otherwise wouldn’t. If it gets you back on the right track and teaches you both how to communicate more effectively, then it’s worth considering.
There’s no intimacy
Whilst many couples are happy with no regular physical contact, this only works if both parties feel the same way. If one of you wants regular sex and the other doesn’t, it can be a recipe for disaster. Perhaps you both would like more intimacy, but its been so long that you feel awkward and weird about getting close again.
Rather than let potential resentments or frustrations build, if you are upfront and honest about it, it could make things easier for you both. Discuss it with your partner and establish what you both want and need from the relationship. It may very well be the case that it’s a dealbreaker and there is no resolution. On the flip side, you might find that just having a cuddle and a kiss once in a while is enough to reignite the spark and help get your relationship back to where it once was.
If your relationship might be on the rocks, it’s up to you to rescue it!