4 Killer Ways to Kick Start Your Business Career
The job-market is more crowded than ever before and, because of this, the importance of establishing yourself in an industry should not be underestimated. Business degrees are one of the most popular majors, so it is no surprise that kick starting your business career can be quite a challenge.
The business industry is full of diverse people who all have different skills and abilities so it is essential that you find a way to stand out from the crowd and offer a unique contribution in all your work. Here are some suggestions on how to get yourself noticed by business professionals and four killer ways to kick start your own business career.
Get Your Degree
This may seem like an obvious suggestion, but it is essential that you get a degree in one of the many business subjects. Business degrees are well-known for educating students on the many transferable skills that they will need once working in the industry.
For example, a bachelor of business administration will give you the confidence you need to work in a variety of sectors, including corporate finance and accounting, and business management. A business administration degree usually includes the essential aspects of business administration with extra modules such as business law, statistics, and finance also included. Additionally, your bachelor’s degree will include marketing modules, which will not only help you in the workplace, but will help you when job seeking too.
Do Work Experience
Despite the importance of having a degree, in the modern-day job market it is not enough to guarantee you a kicking business career. You will need to take the skills you learnt during your degree and show that you can use what you learnt in everyday working life.
You may not be able to find work experience vacancies in your dream job, but experience in any business sector, for example sales, can help to kick start your business career.
Build Up a Portfolio
When applying for jobs, you will need to show employers what you have achieved so far. If you are just starting your career, it’s unlikely you’ll have much experience to show. But don’t forget all the work you did during your degree. Make sure you show this off and all the skills you learnt while at university.
Be Creative
As part of your business degree, you may have completed modules on philosophy and literature. While these subjects may seem unrelated to the foundations of business administration, they can be a great addition to your resume and application forms as they show your creativity and ability to think outside the box. The same goes for any foreign language qualifications you may have.
Your degree, portfolio and experience will stand for nothing unless you have something different to offer. The best way to kick start your business career is to be passionate about the industry and learn as many skills as possible which relate to it. So, make sure you feel strongly about your career path and speak up about your passion if you want to truly stand out to an employer.