4 Situations Where a Strong Defence Team is Absolutely Necessary

While many people have run-ins with the law, there are certain crimes that can completely ruin your life if you don’t have a good defence team in your corner. A DUI, domestic assault, or drug charge could radically change the course of your life for the worse. Even if you bear partial responsibility for the charge, a good lawyer can find a favorable solution that is fair to everybody. It’s important to find lawyers and other specialists who are ready to help you.
1: Domestic Assault
Domestic assaults represent serious accusations in which it is very important to get all the facts right. Whether the domestic assaults include accusations of physical abuse or sexual assault, the penalty for the crime increases based on the emotional and physical injuries inflicted. Domestic assaults can range from minor altercations to large-scale abuse, so it’s important for a court to have an appropriate summary of damages. Somebody without a proper defence can find themselves in jail with a criminal record that can haunt them for the rest of their lives.
2: DUI Charges
If you are charged with a DUI, you could wind up losing your licence. If you have been charged in the past, you could wind up facing anywhere from 30 to 120 days in jail in addition to being unable to operate a vehicle for a period of years. You’ll want to select a lawyer who has successfully handled many hundreds of cases, such as Mass Tang. This leads to a high success rate with even the toughest DUI charges.
3: Drug Possession
Related to DUI charges, drug possession can carry a jail sentence depending on the circumstances. The biggest danger with a drug charge is if the officer or prosecutor believes you had enough quantity on your person to build a trafficking case. This can change the punishment from a simple find to potential jail time, including a maximum sentence of life in prison. A strong defence team can make sure that you stay out of jail.
4: Theft and Fraud
If you are accused of taking something that isn’t yours, either through physical theft or financial fraud, you could wind up in jail even if your story differs from the accuser’s claims. A legal defence team can help sort out the fact from fiction and make sure that a judge hears your side of the story.
From DUIs to domestic assaults, the potential criminal charges a person can face is extensive. No matter what happened, you need a good defence attorney to help make sure your rights are properly represented. There are many times when an arresting officer is overzealous or unfairly biased, and there are just as many cases where the accuser’s account differs from reality. An experience law firm like Mass Tsang can make sure you get the representation you deserve, no matter how tough the case seems.