4 Tips For Planning A Last Minute Wedding

We all know that wedding planning takes a great deal of time, stress and energy. But imagine if you only have a short amount of time to make your dream wedding a reality. This is enough to put most brides to be in a state of shock and panic. But for plenty of reasons, many couples find they need to accelerate their plans and have their big day as soon as possible. So if you need to plan a wedding in limited time, use these tips to get you started and create the most perfect day possible.
Create a suitable checklist
In the midst of the excitement and rush of planning your last minute wedding, you may find there are things you forget to organise or buy. This could be potentially catastrophic and ruin your day. So to reduce this risk print out a wedding checklist. Not only will this make the planning process far easier, it will also help you determine what is essential and what isn’t. These items can range from choosing your wedding and engagement rings to organising your catering. You can also give close family, bridesmaids and groomsmen jobs to complete from the list to lighten the load.
Think outside the box on location
Many wedding venues will be booked months and even years in advance, so don’t be surprised if they cannot accommodate you. While you might get lucky with a cancellation, you cannot guarantee this will happen. Consider unconventional spaces such as restaurants, cinemas and libraries that may be less popular. Just remember to check they have a suitable license for your nuptials. Choosing a location that can host both the wedding and the reception can also save you a lot of time and money. So keep an open mind and see the potential in out of the box venues.
Shop for your dress at retail outlets
Most wedding dress shops will usually require a three-week window for alterations and fittings. If you don’t have this kind of time the only option is to shop at outlets. These stores have hundreds of designs to choose from and will keep a wide variety of sizes in stock. This means you can try the dresses on and take home the one you like there and then. You may even be able to buy your bridesmaid dresses and groom’s suit while you are there too.
Make your own invites
Even though it’s last minute, you will still want to invite guest to your special occasion. But wedding invitations can often take weeks to create and send out. Instead, you can print out, email or create hand-written invites that you can send out as soon as possible. Be prepared for some of your guests to be unable to attend at such short notice and appreciate the ones who can.
The key to planning a last minute wedding to remain calm and versatile. You won’t have the same kind of luxuries as other engaged couples, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the big day you deserve.