4 Ways to Live Your Best Life Every Day in 2021

If 2020 has taught us anything; it is that life is unpredictable. I’m sure that most, if not all, of the goals you set for yourself in December of 2019 went completely out the window by February 2020. Well guess what? That is okay. We are (finally) stepping into a new year and that means we all get a fresh start and the new beginning that we’re all so desperately craving.2021 is a time for hope, growth, healing, and rebuilding. If there was ever a time to focus on making every day count, and live your best life, that time is now.
Strive For a Better You
We’re all striving to make the most of what we’ve got; we all want better lives. But sometimes this desire becomes twisted, and we start to think that if only we had more money, or different circumstances, or the grass was just a little greener, our lives would be perfect. Unfortunately, we all know now more than ever that even if you make a “perfect” plan, life has a (not so) funny way of bursting in and completely knocking you off course. That is why, especially for this coming year, I urge you not to strive to be perfect but instead strive to just be a better you.

This year has not been fun by any means. With still so much uncertainty it can be hard to put “have fun” at the top of your to-do list, but having fun doesn’t mean you have to do something childish or reckless. Fun doesn’t have to be a physical thing that you do or see; real fun starts when we embrace the intangibles. When you embrace the intangibles and put your focus on what you are feeling, you can figure out how to reconnect with your dreams, your needs, your energy, and yourself. If you’re still looking for a little inspiration, try one of the following ideas:
Seek to uncover your souls purpose.
Take the time to truly figure out what you want out of life and why you are on this earth right here, right now.
Count on your own character.
Learn to appreciate yourself and all of the wonderful ways you contribute to the world even when you aren’t trying.
Live in your prime all the time.
The prime of your life is in this exact moment so take time every single day to soak it all in.
Grow to learn. Learn to grow.
Never stop asking questions, you are capable of so many things.
For 2021, I urge you to take control of your own destiny. Believe you can live beyond your wildest dreams, voice your desires and act on them. No matter how many times life tries to get in the way, and we know it will try, put yourself and your happiness first. The ingredients of a well-lived life are yours for the choosing: openness, strength, courage, and whatever else you fancy. Choose your ingredients wisely, create the perfectly imperfect recipe for your best life, and start cooking.
Bon Appétit and Happy New Year.
This guest post was authored by Becca Anderson

Becca Anderson comes from a long line of preachers and teachers from Ohio and Kentucky. The teacher side of her family led Becca to become a women’s studies scholar who writes The Blog of Awesome Women. An avid collector of meditations, prayers, and blessings, she helps run a “Gratitude and Grace Circle” that meets monthly at homes, churches, and bookstores.
Becca Anderson credits her spiritual practice with helping in her recovery from cancer and wants to share this with anyone who is facing difficulty in their life. She is the author of Think Happy to Stay Happy, Real Life Mindfulness, and Every Day Thankful. Becca shares her inspirational writings and suggested acts of kindness at https://thedailyinspoblog.wordpress.com/.
Be sure to pick Becca’s Badass Affirmations and The Book of Awesome Women Writers.