5 Reasons You Should Consider Studying Abroad

If you are given the opportunity to study abroad, there are so many reasons to say yes to the adventure. Whether you decide to pursue your full degree of just a semester abroad, you are gaining a chance to completely change your life. There are many logistics involved in planning your journey, but the benefits greatly outweigh the negatives of studying abroad.
Taking a chance and jetting off to another international city to pursue your education is the chance of a lifetime. The adventure can be enriching to your life on all levels. Your academic, personal, and professional lives will never be the same. Gaining a different perspective, widening your view of the world, and embracing a new culture are all a part of studying abroad.
Whether you are planning on studying abroad at the American International College or Oxford University, there are plenty of reasons to take the chance and head into a new adventure. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons you should consider studying abroad.
Global Awareness
Although the globe remains the same as ever, the world’s size is indeed starting to shrink. With the expanded technological advances of the past two decades, people can communicate with anyone worldwide as though they were in the same room.
Businesses and individuals have become globalized, and taking the opportunity to study abroad can give you a first-hand perspective of what life is like across the globe. For many, travel doesn’t often extend past their own area or state. Given the opportunity to explore a different nation and culture can help you to expand your understanding of how the rest of the world works.
Cultural Experience
You can skim through the pages of an atlas or National Geographic to learn about other cultures, but you will never gain a real understanding of the subtle cultural differences of a new country until you experience it for yourself. For young students, it can be life-changing to immerse themselves in learning about how others live, love and work.
Sharing stories and getting to know people from another culture can give you a valuable perspective on their system of value, ethics, and family. These lessons can teach you that there is a deep connection between all people beyond borders and culture. This knowledge can help you to form deeper relationships with new friends and let go of learned assumptions.
Gain Perspective
When you stay in the same area your whole life, you miss out on the life experiences that truly allow you to grow. When you travel to study abroad, you are given the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge that can open your mind and shift your perspective. Opening your mind and heart to another culture’s beliefs and values can improve your understanding and empathy for the inherently everyday things with all people. Your expanded perspective can help you become a more effective student, friend, and colleague who isn’t trapped in fear of an unknown culture.
Resume Boost
Your experience as a student abroad can benefit you long after your journey is over. Your career opportunities could be greatly boosted when you add your study from abroad to your resume. Foreign education can make you more marketable to future employers. It may even present you with opportunities to intern abroad and expand your network.
Employers that are looking through your resume will be interested to learn that you have studied abroad. Taking the leap towards independence and gaining a unique perspective while studying abroad could be an intriguing draw for employers. Your journey can prove to potential employers that you are willing to take risks, are open to ideas, and have a passion to excel in your industry.
Expanded Network
When you study abroad, you will make rare personal, academic and professional relationships. When you are on your own in on a foreign campus, you will tend to rely heavily on your colleagues to make your way, helping you to form close bonds. These friendships can grow into life-long connections that can aid you personally and professionally.
While beginning your career following your graduation, you will have an expanded network of contacts to bring to the table. International networks are an attractive bonus for many employers.
The benefits of studying abroad go well beyond academics. Expanding your horizons both personally and culturally has the power to bring the world closer together. The chance to form powerful connections with peers on the international stage, further your education, and investigating the depths of a foreign culture is an opportunity that should not be wasted. Take the leap today and talk to your student advisor about programs abroad for your next semester.