5 Steps To Finding The Best Career For You

The careers we choose are one of the most critical factors in determining our quality of life. People lucky enough to work in jobs they genuinely enjoy are happier and more productive than those stuck where they don’t want to be. But how do you find the best career for you?
Below are five steps that can help anyone looking for a new career to find their true calling.
Complete A Self-Assessment
The first step of a new career search is to complete a thorough and honest self-assessment. Ask yourself the questions that potential employers would want to know. As well as listing your academic achievements and other qualifications, think about what your skills and passions are.
The best career for you won’t just be the one that you are most qualified for. If you want long-term career satisfaction, you need to choose a career that utilizes your key skills and indulges your passions.
Ask Yourself What You Want To Do
Everyone is different. We all have our own ideas of what constitutes a fulfilling life. A career that one person finds spiritually satisfying might be utterly soul-crushing to the next person.
You should be honest with yourself about what you want to do with your life. If your passions lie in helping other people, pursuing a career as an accountant probably won’t be as rewarding as working as a teacher or defense attorney. Don’t waste your time looking at jobs that won’t fulfill you.
Look For FIrst-Hand Experiences
It is a good idea to research your new career thoroughly before you commit. But no amount of research can compare with the first-hand experiences of people who have worked in a career you are considering.
A quick Google search should immediately return numerous anecdotes from people who have worked in a specific career. You can also find similar information about individual jobs within that career.
Research Employers In Your Chosen Industry
While you are reading other people’s experiences, pay attention to the specific employers they mention. Once you have found the right field or industry, you can start to think about the precise career path you want to pursue within it. Having some idea of which employers are out there, and their reputations will make things easier when you start looking for jobs in earnest.
Don’t Limit Yourself
One of the most common reasons people end up in the wrong career is that they convince themselves that their preferred career path is unattainable. Whether we’re conscious of it or not, the first thing that many of us do when we start thinking about a new career is immediately write-off a range of jobs that we would love.
When you are considering potential careers to research, don’t limit your options. Even if you need to obtain additional training or qualifications before you can begin looking for work, this is something that you can do. Instead of giving up at the first hurdle, ask yourself what it would take to get a job in your dream career. If it’s achievable, go for it!
Finding the right career is essential for a fulfilling life. There are few things as soul-destroying as being stuck in the wrong job with no hope of getting out. If you are in the market for a career change, follow the five steps above to hone in on the best option for you.