5 Things You Should Know About Standing Desks

Standing desks are all the rage right now, and for good reason. There are loads of benefits of having a standing desk, and we’ll be discussing a few of them in this post.
However, as with most big purchases, there are a few things you need to know about standing desks before you commit to buying one. After all, what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another, and you need to be sure that a standing desk is the right choice for you.
So, if you’re considering buying a standing desk but you want some more information first, you’ve come to the right place.
Does it take long to adjust to a standing desk?
If you’re used to sitting at a desk all day, the odds are that a standing desk might not be comfortable straight away. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth it though, it just means you may need to hang onto your sitting desk a bit longer until you’ve adjusted to your standing desk.
Don’t try to push yourself to work a full day standing at your desk. To start with, stand for short periods and break these up by sitting for a while.
Even if you’ve had your standing desk for a long time and you’re used to it, you shouldn’t stand for extended periods. In fact, you should not stand for more than four hours per day.
What are the costs involved?
Most desks are quite pricey, and standing desks are no different. It’s a big purchase, but many people who have used standing desks for a while would agree that it’s a worthwhile investment.
You can, of course, try and build your own standing desk if you’re handy, but it might be better to buy one since many standing desks are adjustable so that you can get the perfect height.
If you don’t mind spending a bit extra, you can even get a desk that functions as both a normal desk and a standing desk. You may also want to look into buying a pad to stand on if your feet hurt when standing. If a standing desk is something you really want, you should try to set a savings goal to motivate you to save for it.
Will it help your work?
Believe it or not, but standing desks often increase productivity for people. There are many reasons for this.
Of course, one of the most obvious ones is that standing desks are often more comfortable and don’t cause people pain, which means they are less likely to leave their work station as often. If you are constantly feeling uncomfortable while working in your chair or at your desk, you may be more tempted to get up and walk around so that you’re not in as much pain.
Is it good for your health?
Standing desks can also lower your risk of various serious health issues, which is another reason why you should consider investing in one.
Most of us are quite sedentary during the workday, and a standing desk can help you stay more active and also burn more calories, which could reduce your risk of being overweight. Of course, you should also implement other ways of staying active all day.
Who should get a standing desk?
If you work in a communal office space, you should talk to your coworkers to find out if they would be interested in standing desks as well. If many of you are, you could talk to your employer about it.
And of course, standing desks are also ideal for people who work from home, since they are in full control of creating a healthy work environment, and they are also less likely to move around during the day, making a standing desk a great solution.
Essentially, standing desks are great for anyone who wants to improve their work setup as well as their health.
In conclusion
Standing desks may seem like just a fad, but the truth is that there are many reasons why you should consider getting one.
After all, these types of desks are popular for a reason. However, don’t expect to immediately love your standing desk – it could take you a while to adjust to it. But once you have adjusted to your standing desk, the odds are that you will love it. It will change your life in so many ways, so it’s something you should seriously consider. Even if it is a bit expensive, you should see it as an investment instead of an unnecessary expense.