8 Beauty Hacks For Busy Women

If you are the kind of woman who puts her all into her career and spends most of her time focusing on that, then the chances are that other things, such as your self-care, may be put on the backburner to make time for your career and everything that comes with it. While it’s all well and good putting other areas of your life on hold for your career, one area that you don’t want to fail to think about is your beauty regime.
This is because when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you tend to be a happier and more confident person. Plus, there’s the fact that in order to do well in any industry, being well put together is important as appearances count, which is why you don’t want to put your beauty regime on the back burner, regardless of how busy you are.
Bearing that in mind, below are eight beauty hacks that are ideal for busy women with hectic lives and schedules. These handy tips make keeping yourself looking and feeling good, easier than ever, regardless of how busy you are.
Utilize shower time
When life is busy, every single second counts, which is why it is important that you make sure to utilize your shower time. It might be nice simply standing under the warm water, but your time in the shower can be the perfect time to take care of yourself. At least once a week, have a ‘pamper’ shower – AKA a shower where you pamper yourself and catch up with your beauty care.
Shave your skin, exfoliate from tip to toe – coffee scrubs are fantastic for this, cleanse your face, and then apply an in-shower moisturizer that you can wash off like you would soap. These moisturizers are fantastic because they don’t leave you feeling sticky or oily, and can be washed off, leaving you ready to get dressed as soon as you are out of the shower, and are ideal when time is of the essence.
Opt for gel nail polish
Like to wear nail polish but don’t have the time to paint your nails more than once a week? Then perhaps using a gel polish instead of a regular nail polish could be the answer. The thing about gel polish is that it is quick and easy to apply, can be dried in 30 seconds under a UV lamp, and is much longer lasting and tougher wearing, making it a much better option for anyone who doesn’t have that much time to put into their beauty regime. You can either go DIY and do your nails yourself or have them done at a salon; it’s up to you.
Be smart about your hair
Doing your hair in the morning can be a total nightmare, especially when time is of the essence. That’s why taking the time to choose a hairstyle that is easy to style can be a good decision to make, as that way you don’t have to worry about making time to curl or straighten it each morning. Instead, you can just roll out of bed and get ready to go. All it will take is a little brush, and voila, your hair is ready for the day.
A handy hack for making it easier to get your hair ready in the morning, if you have it in a longer style, is to get it ready the night before, using heated hair curlers that you can sleep in. That way, all you have to do in the morning is take them out, brush out the curls, and you will be ready to go.
Learn to apply makeup fast
With practice comes perfection. If you take the time to learn to apply your makeup quickly, you can make getting ready in the morning for work quicker and easier. The more you practice, the better your makeup application skills will be, which is why taking the time to practice is so important. Or, if you aren’t a pro at makeup application and can’t seem to get the knack of applying your makeup quickly, then having it tattooed on, either permanently or semi-permanently could be the answer.
Drink lots of water
One of the very best beauty tips is also one of the simplest; drink enough water. Water is a fantastic beauty tool and one that you should make sure you are taking advantage of. To keep your skin, hair and nails healthy, drinking at least two litres of water a day is vital. The more water you drink, the healthier your skin, hair and nails will be. If you aren’t a great water drinker, then investing in a water infuser could be the answer, as infusing water with fruit can be a great way to add extra flavour to it, and make it easier to drink.
Eat well
They say that you are what you eat, and when it comes to your beauty regime, they couldn’t be more right. If you want to look and feel good, it is vital that you eat well. You see, the foods that you put into your body have an impact on your health, which is why eating well and ensuring that you are getting all of the essential vitamins as a part of your diet is so important. You might lead a busy life, but you can still make time to eat well.
Use two-in-one UV products
When it comes to making your beauty regime easier for yourself, using two-in-one products is a must. Say, for instance, you are choosing one product from a list of the ten best face moisturizers, it would be wise to pick a cream that moisturizes and offers UV protection, for instance, making it easier for you to take care of your skin. When life is busy, it’s little things like this that can make all of the difference. From face cream to foundation, there are plenty of two-in-one products to choose from.
Use wash off fake tan
Do you like to add a little colour to your skin but don’t want to sit around waiting for fake tan to dry? How about using a wash off fake tan then? That way, all you have to do is apply it, wait a few minutes and then wash it off. The colour will then develop over the next few hours. Wash off tan is an easy way to ensure that you are able to give your skin a bit of colour without all the waiting around of normal tanning products.
There you have it, eight beauty hacks that are made for busy women.