8 Side Jobs to Boost Your Career

You’ve done the whole college thing and now you’re in the real world. You have a job, even if it’s not what you’ve always dreamed of doing. But that’s okay, because everyone has to start somewhere. You just need a few tricks to get where you want to be sooner rather than later.
When it comes to career enhancement, a great place to start is with a side job. Many people take on side jobs in order to earn a little extra money, which is fine, as long as you have the ulterior motive of using a side job to boost your career and give you the experience necessary to obtain the position you really want. If you’re looking to give your career the lift it needs, consider taking on one of these extra jobs.
- Tutor
If you made it through school, then you have something you can teach. Luckily for you, learning is in pretty high demand. Whether you tutor a child struggling in math or a college student struggling with economics, you can charge a decent hourly rate for a service in your field of choice. This will help you stay current in your field and looks great on a resume.
- Sign Language Interpreter
This is a job that can make you as much as $30 per hour as either a freelance contractor or a part-time job. As the name suggests, you’d be asked to help those with hearing impairments communicate. It also looks great on a resume because it’s a unique skill being performed for a great cause.
3. Software Development
The nice thing about this job is that it’s in high demand right now. If you’re seeking a career in anything to do with graphic design, information technology, or software, this is the perfect, high-paying side job to get you into the position you’d like someday.
4. Blogging
The great thing about blogging is that anyone with a knack for good grammar and storytelling can do it, and bloggers are always needed in every field. Starting a blog or frequently guest blogging on other high-profile publishing sites is a great way to establish yourself as a credible authority on the web, which can be useful in your future job search.
5. Bookkeeping
Sometimes the accounting and economic fields can be highly competitive, requiring you to get a little more experience on the side. Take on freelance or part-time bookkeeping jobs in order to keep your skills sharp and appeal to future employers.
- Consultant
When you become an expert in a field, you can use your knowledge to help others who struggle in that area. Consulting is a great way to keep your skills fresh and help you build high-profile experience for your resume. No matter what field you’re in, teaching your knowledge to others is one of the best ways to gain experience and lock that knowledge into your mind forever.
- Freelance Product Photographer
This particular job can be lucrative for several different fields, ranging from web designer to startup entrepreneur. Photography is fairly easy to learn, provided you purchase the right equipment and take a few courses. It pays fairly well and can prove highly useful for several jobs you might undertake in the future.