Helpful Tips For Job Seekers In Today’s Job Market

Anyone who is in between employment and currently on the job hunt knows that it can be an incredibly stressful process. Sometimes one can become disillusioned after sending out a strong of résumé’s, only to be met with radio silence. However, there are some helpful tips that can really help make looking for a job a much less stressful process than it seems to be.
The internet is your friend
Gone are the days where you had to pour over the classified section in your local newspaper. Everything is online nowadays. Most companies report that they put their listings online rather than in print media. Using a reputable site like atkins, that can really help streamline your search for a job, will help you find the job that will be the perfect fit for you! Doing the bulk of your job searching online also helps you to keep track of which companies you have already sent job applications to.
Work your networks
Who you know is almost as important as what you know how to do these days. More and more people are finding that they are landing jobs they are told about through people they know. In this modern day and age you cannot underestimate the influence of being well-connected and having a good network of peers.
Phone or email people in your industry, letting them know that you are looking for a new employment opportunity. You will be surprised at how willing people are to help. Usually if one person is unable to help you, they will forward your message on to others who may have leads on potential jobs. Due to the significant importance of networking, you should always make it a priority to network wherever you are –even when you are in a job you like –you never know when you will need to call on people with whom you are acquainted.
Update your Linkedin
Linkedin is another online tool that is often overlooked or underestimated when it comes to its potential utility and power. This professional social networking site allows you to apply for jobs by submitting your Linkedin profile. This makes the process incredibly easy and pain-free. Thus, making sure that you have an up-to-date profile is one step you can take to bolster your chances of having a successful application. In addition, many recruiters and head-hunters scour Linkedin for potential hires, so you may even be contacted by others should they find your profile impressive.
Give your résumé a makeover
When it comes to sending out job applications, HR managers are often overloaded with a plethora of résumés from many applicants. The truth is that these documents are usually scanned quite briefly before deciding who will be invited for a face-to-face interview. As a result, it is really in your best interest to make sure your résumé really pops and stands out from the rest. If you have not updated the format and style of your résumé since before 2000, it is probably best to give it a makeover and make it more modern and eye-catching.
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