6 Ways to Save Money During a Job Search

Starting a new job search can be exciting and a little scary, especially if you’re in between opportunities. If you don’t have money saved up for your time between jobs, you may have to struggle for a few months while searching for your next position. Instead of settling for a job you don’t love because of budget issues, it’s best to stretch your money as much as possible so you can get the job you’ve always wanted. Here are six simple ways to keep your budget in check while you search for your new job.
1. Use Free Resume Resources
A great job starts with a strong resume, and if you haven’t updated your resume for years, it’s time to take another look. You can shorten your job search if your resume hits all the right notes. Today, it’s easier than ever to get an effective resume to help show off your top talents and attributes. All you need to do is look through the internet at top career sites offering advice and example resumes. Best of all, most of these are free.
2. Shop Secondhand
After polishing your resume, you next need to address your professional wardrobe. You’ll need to look sharp for your job interviews, and a smart suit is the best option for those who are serious about their careers. Unfortunately, suits can be expensive, and if you are struggling to make ends meet, this may be a challenge. Try shopping for interview suits at secondhand stores, like thrift shops or swap meets. You could pick up a well-tailored suit for a few dollars instead of investing hundreds of dollars.
3. Bring Your Lunch
Getting a job may also require a lot of footwork and site visits to employers for interviews and job fairs. Avoid the temptation to go out for lunch every day and spend money you probably don’t have. Make it a point to prepare for your excursions each day with a healthy and budget-friendly bagged lunch instead. Shop for supplies at your grocery store each week and save huge on your monthly expenses. Pack nutritious snacks to help keep your job search going each day.
4. Talk to Your Insurance Provider
You may also find success in lowering your monthly payments for some of the most important things, such as auto insurance and homeowners insurance. Talk to your insurance agents to see if they offer any special discounts. Many people looking for work are new college graduates. Some agents could help you get a new rate during the few months after graduation. You can also look into saving money by bundling your policies together.
5. Clip Coupons
You’ll also need to see how to save money on your other expenses that may pop up every once in a while. With the internet, it’s easier than ever to pay a discounted rate on things when you shop online. Scan favorite coupon sites before you commit to purchasing anything and pay less for your favorite things. This way, you don’t have to feel like you’re struggling during your job search.
6. Transfer Your Retirement Accounts
As your search winds down and you get closer to finding the perfect job for your skills and experiences, you’ll need to make some decisions about your previous retirement accounts and other investments. For most employees, you’ll need to talk to your human resources department to get an IRA or 401K transferred from one company to another organization. This way, you can continue to save more money even after you’ve landed a great job.
Going through a job search can be tough on your wallet. Don’t let a lengthy job hunt ruin your finances. Instead, follow these tips to keep things going strong.