Tinder: The Good and The Bad

Happy hour was in full swing at a popular River North dive bar in Chicago. Two attractive guys gave their best pickup line to a gorgeous blonde… on Tinder. Meanwhile, they were missing out on real life face time with some gorgeous gals IN the bar, including one even right NEXT to them who, as it turned out, lived in their building! A live, breathing, talking human, not a photoshopped instagrammed figure who they can not 100% confirm if it is even the girl in the pictures texting them back!
Have we forgotten what it is like to live in the moment? This scenario of seeing people’s foreheads, smartphone in hand is not uncommon. One viral video, “Look Up” showed us how being buried in our phones has become the norm and encouraged us to leave our devices at home (I know, seems equivalent to being naked) and interacting with people via verbal communication.
Regardless of the reasons why or how Tinder became a success, there are many negative perceptions –it’s stereotypically thought of as a “hook up” app and by putting yourself out there you are vulnerable. (By the way, parents are encouraged to know important facts to know about the Tinder App.). Also, there may be not so nice people who may say rude things – but is that really any different than real life?
So what about the positive implications – for starters, this app reminds users that dating ought to be fun and easy and offers a congratulatory ego boost each time you are matched. Next, it’s possible that the law of attraction could work for those that include what they are seeking in their profiles (note, this can easily backfire with directions like “NO drama or shadiness” as the law of attraction says that whatever you include in your daily mantras is what you will receive. Speaking of profiles, the brief, character-limiting format presents a confined creativity outlet for those so inclined and finally, some profiles may be motivating – for example, seeing someone displaying their athletic triumphs or weight loss before and after pictures is inspiring.
Does Tinder have a bad wrap? Yes.
Can Tinder be a fun way to “meet” people through your phone? Yes.
The bottom line: No matter what dating site you are on or off of, when it comes to dating and relationships, you still have to be your own best friend before you can make any new ones.