Are you a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery?

Thanks to advances in technology, cosmetic surgery is now more accessible than ever for millions of men and women across the globe. If you’re interested in taking your beauty treatments to the next level with permanent results, you may be tempted by the offer of visiting the clinic for a little nip and tuck.
However, as with any surgery there are a number of factors to consider first. Primary among these is the fact that cosmetic surgery is not a viable option for everyone. So how do you know if cosmetic surgery is right for you? Your physical health, finances, and motivations must all be discussed with a doctor.
Image Source: FDA/Wikimedia Commons
Reasons for Surgery
Before you even go in for a consultation, it’s a good idea to do a bit of soul searching first. What do you hope to achieve with the procedure? A breast augmentation may boost your cup size, but it won’t necessarily boost your love life. A rhinoplasty will change the shape of your nose, but it won’t instantly make you look decades younger. Make sure that you are realistic about what surgery can and can’t do, and that you’re going into it for yourself rather than for someone else.
Health Considerations
As with any type of surgery, the outcome is more favourable if you’re in good physical health. Surgeons may not be able to operate if you have heart disease, diabetes, or are obese. High blood pressure or bleeding disorders can also be red flags for many procedures, and if you smoke or drink too much, you might need to make some lifestyle changes first. Your doctor may ask you to quit smoking for four weeks before and after the surgery, for example. If you don’t think you can give up the cigarettes, surgery may not be for you. During your consultation, be sure to tell the doctor about any medications, vitamins, and supplements you are currently taking. Some may interact with medications used during the procedure.
Financial Considerations
Once you’ve determined that you’re mentally and physically prepared for your surgery, it’s time to take a hard look at your bank account! When you receive an initial quote, be sure that it includes aftercare and medication costs as well. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of recovery time, since you will need to take time off of work for major procedures. Although many patients are happy with their surgery, would you be able to afford to fix it if the results aren’t what you hoped for?
Rest and Recovery
You can expect to take at least a few days off of work for your surgery, if not a few weeks. Do you have someone to drive you home from the clinic and look after you for a few days? Would you be able to take the time off of work? Do you have a babysitter in place if you have children? Be sure to plan ahead for the recovery period.
The Bottom Line
Cosmetic surgery can work wonders for your appearance, provided that you are realistic about the results and choose a procedure that’s appropriate for your goals and fitness level. Although there’s no comparison to the glow of inner beauty, if you do decide that you’re ready to take the plunge you’ll want to research doctors carefully. Finally, don’t be afraid to interview several candidates to find the right fit!