Are You Stuck with Tinnitus?

What’s that ringing in your ears? If it lasts for more than a few minutes, it could very well be a common medical condition known as tinnitus.
Now, we will all have those times where we are hearing a ringing sensation in our inner ear, which can be caused by loud noises or other things that temporarily damage the ear. This sensation will go away shortly, but what if it doesn’t?
Then you could be experiencing tinnitus, which is also a ringing in the ear, but it stays with you.
The Cause of Tinnitus
What makes tinnitus occur in the first place? It can be caused by any of the following:
- Loud noises
- Too much earwax
- Damage to the eardrum
- Blood vessel issues
- Ear infections
Any of these could cause a ringing sensation, and any of these could cause just temporary ringing, but they could also cause long-term ringing, which is known medically as tinnitus. It gets the name from the tinny sound that stays in the ear.
How Permanent Is It?
Like we said before, tinnitus isn’t likely to go away on its own. If tinnitus was caused by a loud noise or something that isn’t causing permanent damage, then you may have a prolonged bout of tinnitus to deal with, but it could go away eventually. Once your eardrum heals from the damage that has been caused to it, the ringing should subside.
Prolonged exposure to loud noises over time, like those experienced by musicians or by people who work in construction, are likely to cause lifelong tinnitus.
If the damage and the ringing is caused by an infection, the problem will need to be cleared up before the ringing stops. Other causes may create a permanent health problem that will only go away if treated properly.
The earlier you go to a doctor to have your tinnitus treated, the more likely the ENT specialist will be able to cure you. Tinnitus can be cured in many cases, but having an experienced ENT Specialist Singapore will make a big difference in your treatment and your chance of success.
Your doctor may tell you to make some changes to your diet or exercise routine, if the tinnitus is caused by blood pressure issues. These issues can be hereditary, but there may still be steps that you can take to make the condition better for you.
Symptom Management
In some cases, the problem will not go away even with treatment. However, there is good news for you. Even if the ENT specialist cannot get rid of your tinnitus, he can help you with treatment of the symptoms. You can manage your symptoms so they are not so severe and you can learn to live with tinnitus.
Your doctor may prescribe medication for you or may advise you to wear a device that helps to cover up the ringing. The sound will still be there, but it can be masked through the use of wearable devices.
The medications that are typically prescribed for tinnitus can work and they can make the ringing seem to subside. However, they can have some adverse, unwanted side effects. Most doctors will not use them or will only rarely prescribe them due to the side effects.
Tinnitus cannot always be treated at the root of the issue. In other words, it will not be curable in all situations. In those instances, you will be left with the problem for the rest of your life, in all probability. However, the symptoms can be managed to make it easier to live with. You don’t have to suffer from tinnitus without getting help.
In fact, you should get help as soon as you suspect you have this health issue. Trying to handle tinnitus on your own can be aggravating and a waste of time. Why not get the help you need right away. Talk to an ENT specialist and schedule a consultation. You can learn about what is causing the symptoms and what treatment is available. You may even find out about a way to cure the tinnitus once and for all so that it no longer bothers you.