Eww… Credit Card Debt
Credit Card Debt. Gross. This is not a fun topic, but it is one that many of us face being in our twenties and beyond. Some of us may have discovered a credit card...
Credit Card Debt. Gross. This is not a fun topic, but it is one that many of us face being in our twenties and beyond. Some of us may have discovered a credit card...
Most college students are absolutely petrified of those entry level sales jobs that require cold calling. Others feel they are “too smart” or that they just spent way too much money on their college...
There are some key milestones that every new employee should achieve within their first year at a new company. How you fit in with your team and your professional growth the first year can...
I’ve noticed that a lot of my female co-workers and friends avoid taking advantage of their employee benefits simply because they are overwhelmed or don’t understand them. As I was gathering up several receipts...
For me, the term “Quarter Life Crisis” entered my mind only a few years after graduating college.This commonly coined phrase of Gen Y refers to twenty-somethings who are feeling strangely confused, fatigued and questioning...
Are you starting your morning off dreading going to work? If so, challenge yourself to identify what it is that is causing the dread. If you don’t know what you dislike, how are you...
If any of you are like me, you worked your butt off in college to get decent grades and graduate with a major that seemed valuable in the real world. The cycle started at...
My day yesterday was the epitome of a “lazy Sunday.” While I did laundry, made dinner and washed some dishes, I honestly just sat around in sweats and switched back and forth between football...
A few months back, a coworker and I were baking in the D.C. heat and humidity as we walked a few blocks to grab lunch. We were especially chatty and began to discuss all...
When I accepted a job offer after graduation, I was so excited that I would be getting rid of the late night paper writing for a 9-5 routine with all kinds of other benefits....