Career Confession: Speed bumps hurt
I recently found myself extremely stressed about work. Just completely overwhelmed. You know the feeling when you think your eyeballs may roll right out of your head as your brain explodes? Yeah, I had...
I recently found myself extremely stressed about work. Just completely overwhelmed. You know the feeling when you think your eyeballs may roll right out of your head as your brain explodes? Yeah, I had...
This post should probably start with a little disclaimer: I’m a very competitive person. I come from a long line of competitive people and we tend to find a little bit of competition in...
Dear world, I am an underpaid employee. I don’t like it. I have to suck it up. Sincerely, Poorest Meghan Yep. I said it. I work way too hard for the teeny paycheck I...
I’m not an anti-social person. I thoroughly enjoy my time spent with friends, family, coworkers, etc. I could never survive life as a hermit in the woods with no communication to the outside world....
I’m one of the few people in my generation who has a career that directly correlates to what I studied in college. I still keep in touch with several of my professors and thank...
As I sit here and write this blog while I watch my boyfriend play his Sunday night hockey game, I realize I’m not the best at balancing all that goes on in my life....
Welp, it’s that time of the year. That dreaded time of the year. Obviously I’m not talking about the summer. I love the summer. What am I talking about? Yearly performance reviews at my...
Happy Memorial Day! While we will take some time today to thank those who have fought for and defended our freedoms as Americans, many of us will also hit the shopping malls for those...
Looking for some work advice? Maybe some words of wisdom or motivation to get you through the day? Well, I found the perfect website for you! OK, a coworker found it and sent me...
Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down. And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there, I’ll tell you how I became the… queen...