Behold: The Power of a “Thank You” Note
Growing up, my mother forced me to write personalized thank you notes for every gift I ever received…and for every major life milestone. Huge. Pain. But as I got older, I realized a thank you note...
Growing up, my mother forced me to write personalized thank you notes for every gift I ever received…and for every major life milestone. Huge. Pain. But as I got older, I realized a thank you note...
When you’re having a busy, stressful week at work, there is nothing worse than coworkers who are just as stressed. There’s an aura of tension floating through the air to the point of exasperation....
Like most people in PR, I found my current firm through networking and landed an interview thanks to a great referral. When I received my offer letter, I was so excited that I started...
Working in digital public affairs, people don’t always understand what I do day to day. Honestly, it’s pretty hard to explain to someone who’s never worked in a “behind the scenes” type of job....
Happy Monday, y’all! Exploding kitchen. Burning hand. Piping-hot wax covering my arm. I don’t think a normal person would describe their romantic Valentine’s dinner date with the aforementioned details, but I guess I’m not...
Happy Monday, ladies! In college I always told myself I wouldn’t settle down and start a family until I could completely take care of myself, financially and mentally. The weird thing? I’m actually doing...
Happy Monday, ladies! Most people in Washington, D.C. spent the past week gearing up for today’s presidential inauguration and all its associated activities. While I refuse to attend the ceremony with 800,000 strangers and...
Happy Monday, Career Girls! This is my first post in 2013 so it only feels natural to discuss our New Year’s Resolutions, but I think we’re all feeling slightly bitter that we vowed to...
Happy Monday and Merry Christmas Eve! This holiday season is my favorite time of the year – even if nothing in my frazzled life makes sense, everything feels just right at Christmas (or maybe...
Happy Monday, everyone! I’m sure you’re wondering who I am and what I’m going to discuss as a new columnist for your favorite blog, Ms. Career Girl. So here’s the 411: My name’s Meghan...