Author: Jackie LaMar

workplace romances

7 Common Myths About Workplace Romances

Have you noticed that we humans are really good at convincing ourselves to do things that a disinterested and sane person would say, “oh, hell no!” to?  It’s usually around things like falling for...

sweat with kayla

Sweat With Kayla App Review

  All it takes is 28 minutes a day. Stick with it for 12 weeks and you can slip into that Bikini that was hiding in the farthest part of your closet among discarded...

weight loss

Kayla Itsines Review

Calories are like sneaky little critters. They find a way to piggyback into the body in the most unassuming foods. Oh, I forgot to mention about portion sizes. ‘Hey, that’s one portion too many....

The Changing Face of Audience Engagement

When you create a blog post, or promote a product, what’s your goal?  When you seek any kind of audience engagement, are you seeking more likes?  More comments?  Are you hoping for your audience...