Author: Linda Allen

must-read picks for spring

Must-read Picks For Spring

There are roughly 2,700 books published every day. Sometimes, I feel like all of them are piling up on my desk awaiting a review. As editor for Ms Career Girl, I’m targeted by publicists,...


Is Covid-19 Crashing Your Relationship?

For the past couple months, many of us have found ourselves suddenly thrown into sharing life 24/7 with our significant other.  That can put quite a strain on even a great relationship. And combining...

Female Firebrands

Status Quo? These 13 Women Said “NO!”

I don’t remember ever having a gut-level emotional response from reading a book introduction.  Not just an “okay, this sounds interesting.”  I’m talking a squint-eyed, pursed lips, angry response.  If you’re passionate about #MeToo...


How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to avoid the buzz about investing in real estate. The reality shows make investing in real estate look like a fun adventure that’s profitable, to boot. But if you’re a...

Eagle Eyes Sunglasses – Product Review

There’s three things I admittedly have too much of.  Jewelry.  Shoes.  And sunglasses.   But each for their own reasons, I can easily justify the presence to “too many” into being just about right.   That...