Author: Linda Allen

Ten Summer Skin-Saving Tips

While we’d all like to fantasize about staying eternally young, aging is inevitable. But there’s no point in hurrying the process!   Summer is typically full of fun outdoor activities, which can also be...

artistic muse

When Your Artistic Muse Calls

If you’re a fan of “The Voice,” you’ve heard it many times.  The contestant feels that singing is what they are “supposed to do.”  They feel driven to embrace and share their artistic gift....

Beyond The Good Girl Jail

This is the second article of two that focus on the “good girl jail,” that place that so many of us lock away our true selves as we try to live life to satisfy...


Imagine That: Doing Life Awake!

Remember the time you were driving and suddenly jarred back to awareness?  You know you got on the road but at some point you zoned out and whatever happened between point A and point...

Get Out of (The Good Girl) Jail Free

“So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key.” The Eagles, Already Gone   I played that song often as my toxic...

learning a musical instrument

Turning Your Music Passion Into More

Okay, I admit, I’m envious.  I love music, but I wasn’t blessed with any musical talent. But if you’re one of the lucky one’s, this is just for you.  There’s a growing organization called...