The Basics on Investing On Your Bedroom

Creating the ideal post-work sanctuary is a big priority when getting your first home. Whether on your first job and renting your first flat or making the big leap to investing in your own property, there are several things that you need to prioritize when furniture shopping.


Your bedroom will be your very own sanctuary and haven away from the busy everyday life. It is the one place where you can shut the doors to the causes and cares of a hard day in your career and personal life. You have to be able to pick high quality, stylish, and functional furnishing for your first bedroom.  According to George Nelson: The Design of Modern Design, a bedroom represents the heart of the home, no matter what its size.


Invest in a great paint job. The colors of your bedroom should be neutral and clean, to also give you a clean mentality while being there. A neutral room does not necessarily mean boring. You can choose a theme of monochromatic colors and comine them to make a beautiful, understated palette. You can later inject your personality by adding accessories with splashes of color, and change it as you wish.


Next on the list is the bigger furniture. The bed should always be enticing to lie on and encourage relaxation.  So if you think it is excessive to buy a luxury bed, think again. Almost a third of your life is spent lying down on one, having the comfort of a bed is an invaluable cost.

Don’t scrimp on the bed. Even if something is a bargain, if it is of low quality and is not exactly what your heart desires, then you would end up losing in the end. If you have always wanted a four poster bed, invest in one. It is much better to hold off and save for something you want than to settle for something that does not fit your style.


Try not to buy a TV for your bedroom. It is distracting, and studies say that it is detrimental to your sleep patterns. Instead, invest in proper shelving and storage.


Investing in your first home can get worrying, but at the end of the day all you need to ask yourself is – am I happy with this? Try to do your research to get the best deals, but also, follow your heart. Creating an ideal home pays dividends for your well-being and the other parts of your life.


Have you tried furnishing your bedroom? What were your major investments and tips? Share it with us below.

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.