Beauty Tips with Essential Oils for Your Daily Skin Routine

We are born with beautiful skin. A baby’s face is soft and pure. But, it does not stay that way. Our skin is exposed to the sun, wind, pollution, and irritants every day. As we age, hormones play a part in the natural oil production of our skin.
Using all-natural essential oils, you can create a daily skin routine to return your skin to the natural beauty it is intended to be. Everyone is different. You may have to experiment a little to find the perfect mixtures for you. But, we can give you the starting points that you will need. From there it is just making small adjustments with a drop or two of an oil that works well for you.
This is not an overnight process. However, once you have your recipes; it is a lifetime solution.
High-quality essential oils
It is important that you use high-quality ingredients to make your skin care products. Just because a bottle reads “essential oils” doesn’t mean it is pure. Do your research and learn about different types of oils and their uses, along with essential oil recipes you can make your own.
The issues to address for a perfect skin goal
In order to repair the skin, you must address the main issues that damage the skin. You may have specific issues that are not on this list. Perhaps your skin is affected by your job, extreme heat or cold, or exposure to chemicals. No matter what the issue is, with effort and research, you will find an essential oil that will help.
Basic issues:
- Cleaning the skin without stripping away the natural oils you need
- Keeping a natural PH balance
- Hydration or moisturizing the skin
- Preventing wrinkles and signs of aging
- Keeping pores clean
- Breakouts and acne
Cleaning the skin
This recipe for a facial cleaner is perfect for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin will glow with this combination. Note: If the mixture gets cold, it may get thick. If so, simply place the jar into a bowl of warm water for a few minutes.
Use a bowl to create the cleanser and then place it in a 4-ounce container that is made of glass that the sun cannot reach. Amber glass is best, but a white tub will work.
- ¼ cup all natural coconut coil
- 2 Tablespoons raw honey
- 5 drops of lavender
Use a whisk to mix until frothy. Place the mixture in the container,
To Use:
Rinse the face for about 30 seconds with warm water.
Rub gently into the skin. Rinse for 30-45 seconds and pat dry.
Notes: due to the consistency of the cleaner, this is easier done in the skink than the shower.
Restoring balance
Once the mixture is rinsed completely, and there is no oily feel, you can balance the skin. Use 2 tablespoons of pure apple cider vinegar, and 3 drops of argan oil. This will not only balance the skin, but argan oil is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
Why do you need an anti-inflammatory for your skin?
You do not know all of the things in the air that your skin is exposed to. You may eat something that is harmless, but may cause a mild reaction to your skin. The first response the body introduces to any part of your body that signals a reaction is to send fluid to the affected area to heal it. However, you are cleaning, and restoring your face with essential oils that heal your skin. You do not need your body to heal your face with an inflammatory response. This is why we add argan to our mixture.
Hydration & Moisturizing
We are going to give you a basic recipe that is the basic formula for a good essential oil moisturizer for all skin types. Keep in mind there are many different types of skin. You will use this base and experiment with different oils slowly until you find the perfect blend for your skin.
This hydration formula can be used on the entire body, But, as with all essential oil products, we do not recommend using the cream on a baby under the age of 3 months old. Even then, please research your oils and use only mild oils that are heavily diluted for any child.
Basic Formula-
- ½ cup coconut oil
- ½ cup olive oil
- 1 cup shea butter
Melt your shea butter in a double boiler on the stove. When it is cool enough to pour,
pour your shea butter in a glass bowl and whisk it until it is fluffy. As it begins to fluff, slowly drip your oils into the mixture. This is a long-lasting moisturizer. A little goes a long way.
Store in a jar that will keep the mixture cool. If you can store it in amber or brown jars with tight lids; that is best.
Make this mixture your anti-aging product
A few ingredients can make the same mixture you have for moisturizing into a cream that will reduce the signs of aging. Add the following oils 2 drops at a time until you find the mixture that gives you the youthful skin you want and makes wrinkles less noticeable.
- Argan oil
- Rosehip oil
- Lavender
- Cyprus
Keeping pores clean and controlling acne
This is the easiest part of your journey. Drop equal amounts of jojoba oil and tea tree oil into your hand (6-8 drops each) and rub all over your face. Jojoba oil is very gentle and tea tree oil is a strong anti-bacterial oil. Together, they clear your pores, attract any bacteria that is trying to grow and keep your skin clean and clear.
You will enjoy finding the essential oils that work for you and they make great gifts, too.