Become a Shero. It’s Time To Up Your Game

March is Women’s History Month and a perfect time to reflect on the accomplishments of females throughout time. We call these strong ladies who are fighting for equal rights lady bosses, superwomen or sheroes. The last term was first coined during the suffrage movement in 1836 when women were fighting for their voting rights. A shero is defined as a woman who is admired for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
Sheroes come in all shapes and sizes. Their strength is reflected in their qualities. They appear in times of immense challenges, such as we are currently experiencing. And sometimes they go about their work almost invisibly.
If you want to become your own shero, take small steps toward empowerment and let the following tips inspire you.
Push Boundaries
Sheroes give other women a voice, they use compassion and their moral compass to push boundaries and find a way to do the right thing. If you’re facing adversity, don’t let this change your character. Instead, find ways to overcome it while remaining caring and positive.
Be True to Yourself
Strong women don’t change for others, they are unapologetically themselves and never let other peoples’ beliefs and values affect their character. Think about Coco Chanel who devoted her life to making the world a more beautiful place instead of dwelling on the unpleasant aspects of life. She never put wealth or possessions ahead of her vision or tried pleasing people. This is why she is a true shero.
Sheroes understand balance and know the importance of rest. Only rested minds and bodies can perform at high levels so it is crucial to reconnect to yourself by taking time off. Respect your body’s limits, listen and give it space. Use mental and physical breaks to remind yourself that what matters most is that you focus on yourself. As long as you do your best, you’re right on track.
Love Yourself
If you don’t practice self-love, how will you inspire others? Prioritize self-care by being kind to yourself and cutting yourself some slack. Strive to be the best version of yourself and only talk to yourself the way you would talk to others. Be respectful and loving and you’ll soon see how much you impact others simply by loving yourself.
Be Fearless
Think of all the times you didn’t pursue something because you were afraid of failure or rejection. When you didn’t say what you wanted to say, when you didn’t take an opportunity because you questioned whether you even deserved it, or when you let someone else go first. Push this fear aside and use the obstacles and set-backs you experience in life as motivation rather than giving up.
Lead by Example
“Be the change you want to see in the world” may be an over-used quote but look behind the words and understand the meaning. You need to lead by example in order to inspire others and set off the ripple effect that will eventually lead to the realization of your goals and dreams. Embody the best qualities of a leader, find solutions to problems you encounter and seek growth regardless of failure.
Believe in Yourself
True accomplishments don’t derive from staying within your comfort zone. Trust the process, believe in yourself and take a leap of faith when an opportunity presents itself. You’ve worked hard to get this far, to become a true shero, you have to take it one step further.
Be Real
Today more than ever, we are used to seeing only the polished sides of other people’s lives. To feel empowered, you have to strip from these expectations and focus on what is really important to you. Be authentic, don’t take yourself too seriously and never forget where you started. Forge your own path to success and stay true to your values and style.
In times of constant change, you have to remain true to yourself but never lose flexibility. Adapting to changes can be difficult and stressful but the ability to do so is a characteristic that will define you and set you apart from the norm. Roll with the punches, stay relevant and be a force to be reckoned with.
Strive to be your own shero by following this advice and think about the amazing women in your life. This Women’s History Month, thank them for being strong, inspiring role models who make you want to become a more empowered woman.