How To Step Up In Your Career

You love your career, but you feel like you’re stuck in a stand still. You need something more, whether it’s more money or more responsibility, or even more hours. Your first step to getting what you want is to take a look at yourself and what you are giving to our career.
Are you proving to your boss(es) that you are someone that deserves a place in management or a higher paycheck? Are you always putting 100 percent into the work that you do? If you are, then it might be time to ask the boss(es) for that raise or that promotion. But, before you do, do these things too.
Look The Part
You need to look the part for the position you want. If you’re coming to work every day without blow drying your hair or pressing your pantsuit, your boss is not going to take you seriously. You need to be going into work, even on Monday, looking like you’ve spent hours to look this professional.
You also don’t want to be a stick in the mud, though. Don’t skip out on casual Friday just because you want to impress the boss (you might just look like a brown-noser). You also want to make sure you’re keeping up with personal hygiene and that you play well with others. Looking the part of a manager isn’t about looks only, it’s about being someone that shows they have leader qualities.
Learn More
Be an eternal learner. If you want to move ahead in your career, you need to continually be learning new things. If you stay stagnant, so will your career.
Learning more could mean taking some extra college courses to learn new things in your field. It could also mean that you should go to some seminars that are in your field where you can learn about the changes coming to your industry. You want to show that you plan to continue learning so that you can offer your best to the business.
Do More
You should also be doing more on the job. Like they say, “If there’s time to lean, there’s time to clean.” If your boss sees that you’re never idle, they’ll know you’re a good person to have in a higher up position with the company. They will see your drive, and you’ll get rewarded for it.
Make sure that this is something you want to do a lot because you want to keep doing it. If you do something just once, while someone important is watching, and never do it again after, you’ll look worse than you did before you took the initiative!
You can get ahead in your career if you want to. You just need to show that you want to and that you have that drive to succeed. The rest will fall into place.