Category: Featured
My Advice To My Twenty-Something Self
Pssst. Yeah, you, my twenty-something self. Listen up. There are some things you really ought to know, and I’m here to tell you. You’re going to have some pretty awesome experiences. But...
Job Search Tips for 2016
Whether you’ve recently graduated and are still looking for that first career opportunity, or have been shopping for a career upgrade, one thing is obvious. Seeking out a quality position requires much more in...
Love The Gym? How To Make It A Career
No matter whether it’s the treadmill, an aerobics class, or yoga, you’ve probably noticed that when you’re doing them something interesting happens. There’s more mental clarity. Even though you are burning tons of energy,...
5 Ways The Internet Is Killing Us
The internet is the enemy. I hate to be the one to romanticize the good ol’ days. That is a sure sign that one is no longer a spring chicken, but instead an, uh,...
Tips for Healthy Eating on the Go
If you frequently travel for work, you know how hard it is to stay away from greasy airport food. And it’s equally challenging to avoid the huge portions that restaurants offer once you arrive...
How To Make It As A Young Woman In The Entertainment Industry
The following is a guest post by Jackie Augustus. Her bio follows The music industry is one giant experiment and there’s no textbook. There’s no right or wrong – it’s trial and error, which can...
6 Things You Can Learn From Your Job Search
I moved across the country without a job. I began my job search earlier this year and had a solid idea of the type of company I wanted to join and the skills I...
Depression at Work: Tips for Turning It Around
If you’re depressed at work or because of work, you’re not alone. Forbes observes that Millennials are very likely to suffer from depression and related anxiety and mood disorders at the workplace. After all,...
Introverts and Extroverts : Can’t We Just Get Along?
They say that opposites attract. Maybe so, but at the office opposite personalities can make for some challenging situations. In any given work environment, there is a mix of introverts and extroverts, although no...