Answering the Lease vs. Own Question for New Businesses
So you’ve decided to open your own business. It’s an exciting time, of course, but it’s probably left you with many questions. As you begin to write and rewrite your business plan, one big...
So you’ve decided to open your own business. It’s an exciting time, of course, but it’s probably left you with many questions. As you begin to write and rewrite your business plan, one big...
Aging 2.0, the global network of visionaries bringing forth life-changing innovations to older adults, hosts #30in30in30 (30 pitch events in 30 cities in 30 days). The initiative was created to encourage local communities around...
Engagement matters more than ever before. Instead of running out to the local big box store for needs, customers want to feel like they’re a part of something bigger, something more. They want to...
by Jennifer Parris, career writer for FlexJobs You’ve put all of your Facebook settings to private. You’re uber careful about what you tweet and post (fairly) G-rated images on your Instagram. So you...
Are you a professional martyr? Recently, my former boss turned good friend and I went out for coffee. I think of him as a mentor, someone I truly looked up to and whose opinions...
Recently, I came upon a quote that says – “The things that you are passionate about are not random. They are your calling.” Many people, including myself, have a hard time figuring out their...
It isn’t easy as working women to find time to do everything we need to do in order to keep ourselves healthy. Often, our days pass without us even realizing it. However, keeping our...
Many family caregivers leave their jobs to care for a sick parent or child. By the time that they get back on the job hunt their skills can be outdated and it can be...
A woman whose mother, sister, or daughter has had breast cancer is two to three times more likely to develop the disease, particularly if more than one first-degree relative has been affected. – WebMD...