Time is of the essence! It is a familiar adage echoed by modern women juggling multiple tasks between relationships or marriage, family and career, or all of the above. It is an elusive priceless...
Time is of the essence! It is a familiar adage echoed by modern women juggling multiple tasks between relationships or marriage, family and career, or all of the above. It is an elusive priceless...
Beauty is big business. With the media pressure on women to look perfect, it’s no wonder companies like Ulta are seeing double digit growth year over year. If you’re looking to get a piece...
One thing in common we all have to go through when we travel is getting our passports and Visa’s ready, and many of us international travellers have an idea of what horrors it may...
It is National Women’s Small Business Month. This month, we celebrate the women who take that brave entrepreneurial step towards building the businesses of their dreams. Starting a business can be a big challenge....
Everybody has “stuff”. When our managing editor asked us who would like to author a column on maintaining mental health, I raised my hand. That’s what humanity has been asking for lately, isn’t it?...
From the get-go nurses are warned of their ethical, and contractual obligation to maintain patient confidentiality. Breaching confidentiality can lead to a variety of consequences: legal fees, monetary fines for damages, jail time, probation,...
When you’re consistently working a 9-to-5 job but your pockets are still discouragingly empty, you might strongly consider branching into a new gig that allows you to boost your bank account balance. If you’re...
Last Wednesday I was given the opportunity to interview the twin Cuce Shoes Sisters about the secret to their success in partnering with the NFL. On Friday night, a friend asked me for some...
Sexual assault. It’s not a nice term. And I wish it wasn’t something we had to talk about. The unfortunate truth is that there are about 293,000 victims of sexual assault annually in the...
Almost everything that we do requires some form of engineering. The cars we drive, the houses we live in, and even the pens we use are possible by some kind of design. With so...