9 Ways Perfectionists Can Stop Being Self-Destructive
In a recent team meeting our leader, an avid sailor, showed us a clip from the movie Wind. In the movie, Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine (yes, yum), loses the Americas Cup to...
In a recent team meeting our leader, an avid sailor, showed us a clip from the movie Wind. In the movie, Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine (yes, yum), loses the Americas Cup to...
Whether you’re causally investigating a new position or you’ve been actively hunting for the right fit for months, searching for a job can be an exhausting process. Once you’ve put in the effort, spent...
When I was 19 years old, I got my first new car. My best friend and I were cruising along when she said “You have to drive it really hard and fast when you...
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that hard working career women in possession of financial obligations cannot afford for their less scrupulous neighbors to run off with their money. Unfortunately, however well-known the woman’s...
Work, workout, sleep, repeat. For the busy career girl who is always on the go, a fulfilling fitness routine is essential to overall happiness and well-being. We work hard to prioritize what is important,...
Did you know that sleep has been cited as the primary cause of low productivity in the workplace? Similarly, that sleeping less than 5 hours over a few consecutive nights can cause equivalent levels...
If you want to boost your savings, you need to work hard and think carefully. Here are some key ideas to get you started. Save Wisely A lot of people tend to...
Disordered eating is not the same as eating disorders, but it can lead you down the path of developing one. For that reason, it’s important to recognize what disordered eating is, and take steps...
I spent a few days this week doing staffing for a new business. Some interviews were scheduled, some were open call style. I don’t know if I’m getting cynically critical or appropriately more selective,...
You didn’t know it at the time, but all those hours on the playground set you up to become the adult you are today. So many of the social rules that we follow now...