From Barefoot to Stilettos: FINDING MY YES
Being an entrepreneur, or as I like to consider myself—a serial entrepreneur, one that has tons of ideas—I have to be a dreamer. I’m a dreamer who starts up a company and goes sailing...
Being an entrepreneur, or as I like to consider myself—a serial entrepreneur, one that has tons of ideas—I have to be a dreamer. I’m a dreamer who starts up a company and goes sailing...
The Universe has a plan for you! “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.” Tyler Durden explains in the Fight Club. I...
We’re about halfway through 2021, and odds are, some of our resolutions are feeling a bit neglected. That’s okay! I’ve definitely neglected a resolution or two. The goals we set for ourselves—resolution related or...
Using career coaching to better and advance your career is often on the career womans’ wish list. Unfortunately, career coaching seldom makes the cut when only so many expenses will fit in the budget....
Lead with your whole self Team leader. Manager. Director. Chief Marketing Officer. Do you introduce yourself with your job title? Beware! If your job title is your identity, you’re leaving your best leadership qualities...
Have you ever viewed a series of occurrences in your life backwards to unveil a seemingly magical, serendipitous path that may not have been obvious to you while they were happening? This is precisely...
As an actress, if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s shift. Whether it’s shifting into character or shifting into a new role — you always have to be ready. But I...
People spend their entire lives devoted to their careers. It’s rewarding to achieve new professional heights, but the pursuit of excellence can also distract people from taking care of themselves. These are seven healthy...
When Quilt CEO Ashley Sumner posted a photo of herself on LinkedIn with the caption, “I am a female founder” (with the word “female” crossed out), she may not have realized the blaze of...
When I sat down to write this article about workplace relationships and friendships, my mind wandered to a wildly different, yet not-too-distant time. I recalled the time a work friend and I were both...