Category: Featured

managing grief

Finding Joy Through Grief

The year 2020 will go down in history for most of us as a year we will never forget. All of us battled isolation, financial uncertainty, lives and routines being upended, and racial issues...

Another Mentor? No Thanks, I’ll Pass

You don’t need another mentor. You need another employer. Picture this: You’re a successful marketer in a mid-size company, deftly managing a portfolio of brands. You’ve beaten your targets for the past 3 years,...

How to be Unapologetically Feminine

In the day and age of social media, the definition of femininity has been thrown on the chopping block. Women are feeling the heat as they battle ever changing standards on their appearance. Through...

must-read picks for spring

Must-read Picks For Spring

There are roughly 2,700 books published every day. Sometimes, I feel like all of them are piling up on my desk awaiting a review. As editor for Ms Career Girl, I’m targeted by publicists,...