The Power of Saying No – Why You Should Say it More Often
Historically, I’ve always been a yes woman. I’ve said yes to a year abroad in Provence aged 19, yes to living in Madrid and Santiago in my 20s, yes to risk-taking, challenge and a...
Historically, I’ve always been a yes woman. I’ve said yes to a year abroad in Provence aged 19, yes to living in Madrid and Santiago in my 20s, yes to risk-taking, challenge and a...
Many people are dissatisfied with what they earn, but find the prospect of leaving their job to find a better paying one exhausting. Margie Hulse, a Wealth Creators Anonymous facilitator for Access Consciousness, has...
How do I begin a career as an independent author? There are probably as many different ways to answer that question as there are independent authors. We are all unique individuals, coming from different...
For the aspiring photographers or for the people that just suck at taking photos. I got you! Here’s ten photography tips, from a grumpy old professional photographer. 1. Two eye’s – learn to keep both...
You’re an Elegant Warrior. No matter whether you’re wearing cut-off jeans, no makeup and a top knot or a business suit, nude stockings and 3-inch pumps, you meet the definition. Whether you’re a teacher,...
You can run the most efficient, well-run company in the world, packed with eager team members clad in your branded hoodies, but at some point conflict is going to rear its ugly head. I...
What happened to kindness? Do you wonder ‘what’s happened to kindness?’ The news is filled with stories of sudden rage: people resorting to violence over minor items. Bullying in schools and workplaces. Trolling on...
The summer months are often painted as a time to relax and unwind, a time to soak up the sunshine and breathe a little easier. The reality is, working adults find summer to in fact be more stressful...
When it comes to obtaining a job offer and securing a job, there are many factors that go into this process. Tasks such as filling out the application, finding the proper interview attire, preparing...
53% of workers report feeling an increase in distraction from June through December, in a phenomenon the business world has dubbed “the summer slump,” or the dog days of summer. As vacation picks up...