Letting Your Imagination Go Crazy Or Outlining And Organizing
Number four in a series of twelve To outline, or not to outline, that is the question. The other question is: How many pieces of chocolate in one day is one piece too many?...
Number four in a series of twelve To outline, or not to outline, that is the question. The other question is: How many pieces of chocolate in one day is one piece too many?...
I imagine that someday in the not-too-distant future, traditional books will have met their demise. Already, there’s Kindle and Nook and a host of lesser-known options. Sure, it’s nice to be able to carry...
Have you heard about Cooking as Fast as I Can? It’s the memoir by celebrity chef Cat Cora on Southern life, Greek heritage, same sex marriage, and the meals that have shaped her memories. There is a...
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a young professional. And as a young professional, everyone’s probably got an opinion on what you should be focused on. Your advice queue probably looks something like this:...
I learned how to high to raise the bar by lowering it. I never knew how low I lowered the bar until several years later. In the beginning of my relationship, there was much...
Audiobooks are now more popular than ever. Audiobooks can make it so easy to go through the pages of an otherwise difficult to read book.The only problem is that it is hard to find the good...
By some estimates, 5 Americans gather together to discuss books every few weeks. Are you in a book club? Could you join or start one? 1. Something To Look Forward To Each Month Research...
Coffee table books are often seen as a pretense, a way of buying more cultural currency or pretending to be more sophisticated. Most of them sit around unopened, unloved. But, whatever we might think...
There is a fine line between empowering women and being a feminist manifesto, and #GIRLBOSS treads it lightly. In fact, I think if you took out all of the references to being a “girl”...
As the resident “recent grad” at MCG, Nicole asked me to check out this book, U Chic’s Dipoloma Diaries, which considers itself “The chic grad’s guide to work, love, and everything in between.” Now...