Category: Dating

Sleeping with the Technology

Guys, I’m cheating on my boyfriend. He isn’t the only one that’s been occupying my bed. I know it is bold to come out on the social web and admit it, but I need...

The Friendship Breakup

On last week’s post, we discussed “your person,” that important presence in your life, outside of your romantic relationship, that is your closest confident. After the column, we got this email: “Just wanted to...

This one goes out to the ladies…

This week I want to take a moment to thank those people that really keep relationships in check… the friends/the confidants/the ladies. Now some might wonder… what do your friends have to do with...

Are you in a mediocre relationship?

I’ve known ladies who have said they are going to break up with their boyfriends, and then they don’t. I have friends who have broken up with their boyfriends, only to get right back...

Is Romance Geographical?

When I think of romantic locations, I think of Paris, Venice, Hawaii, far-off dreamy destinations. So you can imagine my shock when my hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee, home to Dolly Parton and funnel cakes,...

Calling Your “Boyfriend”

I have a really hard time with titles when in a relationship. Whenever introducing a guy I’m dating to someone, I never know what to say.  The term “boyfriend” grosses me out. By definitions...

The Age Old Question…

So way back in the day I asked you all what you wanted to hear. Among the great comments, I got this one from Staci: How about age as a topic? I know it’s...

How Are You Keeping It Classy?

A few weeks ago I did what any twenty-something woman needs to do. I purchased a copy of Emily Post’s Etiquette. Heck- guys need to buy it too. I just love this book. It...