Category: Plus One

Have You Found “The One”?

I recently had a conversation with some of my taken lady friends. One of my friends knew her husband was “the one” after the first kiss. Another one of my friends has been dating...

Having “The Talk”

Which talk am I talking about? Well really there are two… “the talk” to get into a relationship and “the talk” to get out of a relationship. Both talks are awkward, difficult, could potentially...

The First Date Goodbye and the Oprah Hug

My roommate introduced me to this video and I think it’s about the best thing ever. The Oprah hug. As defined by Urban Dictionary, “Going in for a normal hug, but instead grabing hands and shaking...

Are You Rationalizing Love?

Last week, a lovely reader Candace told us about her current relationship issue. She met an amazing guy, but as luck would have it, he accepted a job in another state the same week...

When Your Boyfriend is Your Work

For 2 weeks I’ve been on complete work overload. Overworked, exhausted, and swimming upstream. I’m a wreck. My work life has affected my personal life. My apartment is a mess, I have no groceries,...

The Drink War

I live in New York City and drinks here can be REAL expensive. Like—I’m-not-going-to-be-able-to-pay-rent-cause-my-bar-tab-is-that-incredibly-high-from-two-drinks expensive. So, when a free drink comes my way, I’m always one to accept! I mean, who wouldn’t right?? Wrong....