Will Living Together Kill Your Relationship?
As I’ve mentioned previously, I live with boys. Somehow, it’s never been an issue of concern with parents, family, or other parties. But when the idea of living with a significant other was posed...
As I’ve mentioned previously, I live with boys. Somehow, it’s never been an issue of concern with parents, family, or other parties. But when the idea of living with a significant other was posed...
Recently, my friend has started dating a guy exclusively. When a bunch of us went out for drinks and she was discussing it with us, the first question was, “So are you Facebook official?”...
Guy friends are the best. We all know that. No need to be high-strung, little concern on impressing them, and it is totally casual. And fart jokes are normally totally cool. Now living in...
Hi friends. As I mentioned in my last post, I’m an online dater. My friends are too. And while we’ve been studying this magical dating tool, we’ve quickly realized that there are a lot...
Hi. My name is Lauren and I’m an online dater. There. I said it. Phew. Joining the online dating world has not been easy for me. I was stubborn. I was embarrassed. I didn’t...
I thought there was only one type of dentist- older men with soft voices, salt and pepper hair, often reminding you of your dad or your grandfather. But since I’ve moved to New York...
Valentine’s Day is approaching and unless some stroke of whirlwind romance hits me, I will be alone. This is fine by me because I hate Valentine’s Day. Now before you stop reading- hear me...
Hello Career Girls! I’m Lauren. Nice to meet you all. I know we don’t know each other yet, so I though I’d go ahead and let you get to know me the best way...
Happy 2012! We are super excited to bring some great new content to you this year at Ms. Career Girl. Since the blog is going into its 4th year of existence, we figured it was...
Having to be in the company of your co-workers at least five times a day, eight hours a week, it is inevitable for us women to grow close and develop an intimate friendship with...