Goal Setting Can Move Mountains
As I woke up at 5:30 this morning to get a head start on my day, I was debating what to write about today. First, let’s start by saying that this whole 5:30 AM...
As I woke up at 5:30 this morning to get a head start on my day, I was debating what to write about today. First, let’s start by saying that this whole 5:30 AM...
By, Vanessa Torres Last week I had coffee with an exceptional woman who is building a business in this shaky economy. But she believes so wholeheartedly in her mission that she is completely un-discouraged...
On my morning run yesterday, I passed Chicago’s Anti-Cruelty Society. I happened to be wearing my pink baseball hat with a black lab on it (which marked me as either a totally cheesy and...
It’s 2009. We are all on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We find our apartments online, our jobs online, and we shop online. We order food online, we keep in touch with friends and family who...
The last few weeks of my life have been utterly chaotic as far as my personal life goes. As things have started to settle down, I’ve had a chance to catch my breath and...
We’ve all heard of the seven deadly sins: the seven common vices that most humans possess in some form or another. What’s your deadly sin at work? 1. Pride: Also known as vanity. To...
I had a great lunch with John Head yesterday in which we somehow got on the subject of dating and technology. The topic came up after we discussed John’s experience with interviewing, hiring and...
My sister sent me a link to a New York Times article which I found as oddly addicting and bizarre as an issue of US Weekly. The article is called, “It’s The Economy, Girlfriend.”...
As featured on womenco.com! For those who follow my writing, you know that I love drawing parallels between things that seem unrelated at first glance. Let’s investigate the ways in which women handle money...
Are you a defensive dater? Do you know any “jaded” singles who are not even willing to put themselves “out there” due to their intense fear of being hurt? During my interview with Dating...