Category: Education

pre-employment test

7 Study Tips for Exam Preparation

Preparing for an examination  can be a very challenging experience. The experts believe that it does not matter what type of a student you are, the pressure will get to you and unless you...

returning to college

How to manage your college life

College is one of the most exciting times So many activities characterize college life. The excitement of making new friends and having new life experiences can result in an individual losing their focus as...

visit a doctor regularly

Non-Traditional Healthcare Careers

The healthcare industry is a consistently growing field for more than just medical professionals. As our population continues to grow, the need for professionals who make our healthcare system function will grow as well....

second degree

The World of Advanced Degrees

The way we look at educational attainment has changed in the last decade or two. A 2015 survey found that 8 percent of Americans now have master’s degrees, which translates to about 16 million...

family law career in law

Choosing Options For Careers In Law

So you’re considering going to law school. You’re good with details, always enjoyed law and politics, and have a talent for rhetoric and debate. Your undergrad GPA is high, and you’re not daunted by...

Find a Teaching Job becoming a teacher

Six Alternative Careers For Teachers

When you graduated from university with that prestigious honours degree in Primary Education, all bright eyed and bushy tailed you felt incredibly excited and optimistic about your future career as a Teacher. You set...

remote learning

Is Online Learning For You?

Millions of students around the world are turning to online learning. It has been cited as a revolution in contemporary learning, and if e-learning suits your learning style, you’d be wise to capitalize on...