Goals – Part II of II: How Are You Reaching Your Dreams?
At the end of January, I wrote to you about making sure you set a plan to reach your goals. If you’ve already set your goals for 2015, please share them in the...
At the end of January, I wrote to you about making sure you set a plan to reach your goals. If you’ve already set your goals for 2015, please share them in the...
Fear is an important emotion to alert us to potential danger. It sparks our fight or flight response to keep us safe. But fear as a warning sensation is different from feeling as...
Back in high school as we prepared our college applications, we were often asked (sometimes trite) questions about times we’d helped others, served our communities, or been selfless in the face of adversity. We...
As a career girl, you might experience getting assigned on business trips. This is a great indication that you’re getting a very important key to success in your career – TRUST. When a company...
If you don’t live in Alberta, or specifically in Calgary, you may not be aware of just how influential Western Canada has become in the area of business startups and entrepreneurism. Entrepreneurs should know...
Research has revealed that occupational pressures are the leading cause of stress in American adults and a survey by Northwestern National Life reports that 40% of working adults in the U.S say their job...
If you are an enterprising career girl you will look at all social events, both business and personal, as a great chance to network. “Another wedding invite?!” If you are a career girl in...
Whether you’re a financial analyst seeking CFA certification… a paralegal studying for the LSAT… or an aspiring MBA swimming in GMAT books while working toward your 10,000 hours… you can relate. Preparing for standardized tests while...
Have you ever considered creating a portfolio to illustrate all your skills and talents? If you haven’t, you should, and here’s why. A well-constructed career portfolio could make the difference between getting hired...
Do any of you watch Family Guy? There’s this episode where Brian writes a book titled Wish It. Want It. Do It. (available on Amazon, by the way – please DON’T buy it!). Brian...