Category: Life After College
The following is a guest post by Matt Cheuvront. Matt is an Internet Marketing Developer/Designer and master of ceremonies over at Life Without Pants. Follow him on Twitter to keep in touch! You’re about...
With all the serious blog posts about resumes and interviewing tips lately, today I decided to share a personal story. I have a feeling many young entrepreneurs have experienced something similar. I had a bit of an emotional...
What #JobHuntChat is Twitter’s best (and possibly only) chat dedicated to answering job seekers’ real questions. The chat questions are submitted by YOU, not made up. Your questions will be answered during #JobHuntChat by other job seekers, bloggers, resume...
Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with my sister, Ashley, who is a college senior graduating in May. My sister is part of Mizzou’s top-tier journalism school in a convergence program that combines several...
They are dreaded and mis-understood by most: cover letters. Do people actually read these things? How do you make yourself stand out? How do you position yourself correctly? What would a recruiter say? First...
Yesterday I did 3 out of 5 resume reviews for the “Fab Five” who are part of The Senior Series. The resumes were great! The students’ energy energizes me! One of the girls, Carey,...
Happy Book Review Tuesday! Today is week 2 of talking about Alexandra Levit’s new book, “New Job, New You.” What do you think is the biggest reason people want to change careers? Alexandra Levit...
Ms. Career Girl’s favorite ladies are coming back on May 28, 2010! Sex and the City 2- woo hoo! From the trailer below, it looks like the girls go to the desert, Samantha wears...
Today marks the beginning of the holiday season. A season which changes as we get older. I couldn’t help but observe the chatter going on between other twentysomethings on Facebook and Twitter (and from my own friends)...
By, Nicole Crimaldi Last night my girlfriend Millie and I were shopping at Water Tower Place in Chicago. Millie had several things on her shopping list, so spending long amounts of time in each...