Category: Money

credit report

When is Credit Repair the Smart Option?

Building credit is hard. Maintaining stellar credit is even harder. Today, there are countless credit card companies vying for your business. They send out flyers and create advertisements full of all these promises of...

eliminating debt

4 Easy Tips for Debt Settlement

Debt settlement, agreeing to pay a creditor less than you owe isn’t the ideal thing. You can get a huge mark against your finances, and it won’t help you in the future. To make...

millennial career women

Setting Aside Funds for Tomorrow

Life is full on unexpected surprises, some of them pleasant and some stressful. Without a safety net in place, any hiccup in the road can send you quickly into a state of chaos and...

Self-driving Cars: What You Need To Know

There’s an automated car in your future.  You may already have one.  While it’s not a fully automated, self-driving, autonomous car, it probably falls in one of the six levels of automation established by...

premium bonds

Premium Bonds: Are they worth it?

Premium Bonds were first introduced in 1956 and now around 23 million people in the UK own one. Not sure what a Premium Bond is? Well, it is a lottery bond that is issued...