Category: Self

5 Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

If you’re a man, you’re probably concerned about prostate cancer. Preventing prostate cancer can be tricky, since doctors don’t yet understand all of the factors that contribute to its development. Some risk factors, like...

shopping online

Five Important Tips For Shopping Online

Online shopping is dangerous territory. With all the best of fashion in one place, it is not difficult to lose time and money without moving away from your chair. However, for many women who...

The Real Definition of Global Travel

What’s your definition of global travel? Maybe it’s travelling to as many places as you can? Or maybe it’s travelling to destinations that most people avoid? Mongolia and the Middle East may not seem...

How to Dress for a Beach Party

A tropical backdrop, fruity cocktails, sun umbrellas, seaside chairs, beach balls, and blaring music – these are a few of the things that beach parties usually comprise.  And even though it sounds laid-back, there’s...