The 10 Most Interesting Outfits Worn in Music Videos
Has this ever happened to you—“UGH I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! I OWN ENOUGH TOPS TO RUN MY OWN H&M, BUT I’M BORED WITH THEM! MY LIFE IS OVERRRRR!” Well I certainly hope not,...
Has this ever happened to you—“UGH I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR! I OWN ENOUGH TOPS TO RUN MY OWN H&M, BUT I’M BORED WITH THEM! MY LIFE IS OVERRRRR!” Well I certainly hope not,...
Getting out of the house in the morning can be a tedious and time intensive process, which is why its so important to perfect the five minute face! I challenged myself to do my...
It’s May! Yay! Who’s excited? This girl and just about everyone else in the Western Hemisphere. May is the month when we tired of any coldish weather; if you’re in school – the break...
Sometimes in life, our biggest problems aren’t figuring out what to do to reach a goal, but rather having a goal in the first place – or having a goal that is too vague....
A few weeks ago, the folks at Excedrin® Extra Strength reached out to me to let me know about a contest they are running. I did a double take when I saw their email: my...
Dear Ms. Career Girl, I hate mornings. I feel like I always start my mornings on the wrong side of the bed. What should I do to make my mornings better? Thanks, S.E. Your...
We all have different types of hair, so while this routine may or may not work for you, I would encourage you to give dirty hair a try! There are lots of great dry...
After a fun late-in-the-workday brainstorming session, Nicole and I started to think about how we are all battling something in our financial lives – and how we usually feel completely alone in this battle....
There comes a time in one’s life when you need a serious recruiter. You don’t want just anyone. You want the BEST! I knew I met the BEST when I met Maggie Hughes. I...
It’s Spring and if you’re like me, you are looking through your closet saying, “I have nothing to wear”. Well, if you have a crisp basic white tee, clutch your pearls and prepare to...