Category: Self

Balancing a Career & Family. Wait, what?

Happy Monday, ladies! In college I always told myself I wouldn’t settle down and start a family until I could completely take care of myself, financially and mentally. The weird thing? I’m actually doing...

Dad, This One’s For YOU!

My Dad, he’s a business dude.  Salesman through and through.  We can talk for hours about strategies for building relationships, earning trust, sales ups and downs.  It’s been so cool teaching him how to...

I Hate January. Let’s go Shopping.

Ever since elementary school I’ve hated the month of January.  Here in Chicago it’s bleak, cold, dark and seemingly never-ending.  For as much as I’ve been swept up in the January “it’s a new year, let’s...

Wait! But You Said You Would!

After a jam-packed business trip of 8 client meetings in 2 days, I made and witnessed a LOT of promises.  Promises to follow-up with information.  Promises to schedule more meetings.  Promises to introduce my clients...