Category: Self

Delicious Summer Salad

Summer is finally in full swing and that means fresh produce is bountiful! It seems like just yesterday the only choice at the farmers’ market was between baby greens and starter plants; now the...

Cheating is Cheating

Almost all of us have an opinion on infidelity. Whether it’s a one night stand or an affair spanning years, cheating is cheating. Some people blame their partners for cheating and others hate the...

Relaxation and Exercise

Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life. -Ralph Waldo...

Top 10 Reasons to Buy Organic Foods

While I typically try to eat local, seasonal food, every once in a while I will crave something that isn’t in season here in Chicago. So last week I stopped into Whole Foods to...

Are Your Days on Auto-Pilot?

As we were about to step into downward dog, the yoga instructor requested, “Make this one different.  We do at least 30 down dogs in class and muscle memory kicks in causing us to...